4 units used radiant tube heaters SOLARONICS, Model:TL23, year of manufacture 2007


Model TL23
Status Active
Pret 3.000 € + TVA
An fabricatie 2007
Carburant GPL
Locatie Oradea, jud. Bihor
Fisiere solaronics_44027_carte_tehnica_tuburi_radiante_tl.e.pdf

.4 units used radiant tube heaters SOLARONICS, Model:TL23, year of manufacture 2007

. Its radiant heat warms people, concrete floors and objects. The heat is absorbed and re-radiated to warm the entire area through convection. This, combined with the fact that it is powered by gas, adds up to one unbeatable combination. Fuel – natural gas, input minimum 250000 BTU/H. Minimum Mounting Height between 3 and 5 meter, ignition Type: Electronic Direct Spark Ignition. The command device is Computherm.

Supply Voltage: 120VAC, Gas Connection: 1/2″ MPT (Male)

Dimensions: length approx. 12.000 mm

Whether you need to heat your garage, workshop, or other hard-to-heat spaces, provides both the fuel efficiency of radiant heat

This units are dismantled


Price 3.000 Euro + VAT negotiable, FCA Oradea, Romania

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Fax: +40-259/426.248
Mobil: +40-743/177.040 ; +40-740/221.698

Vizionarea produsului se programează cu 24 de ore înainte.

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