Used CURIEMENTOR 4 isotope calibrator, PTW-Freiburg , MFG: 2015


Marca PTW-Freiburg
Status Active
Pret 9.900 € + TVA
An fabricatie 2015
Carburant Electric
Locatie Bucuresti, Romania

We sell a used CURIEMENTOR 4 isotope calibrator made by PTW-Freiburg , MFG: 2015, SN: 000575

This equipment is a precise measuring instrument for nuclear medicine.

The equipment contains the PET, the ionization chamber; lead housing for the ionization chamber; transport box for syringes with radiopharmaceutical; TSS 5 Ecarn syringe 5 cc - 2 pcs; TSS 10 Screen syringe 10 cc; Radiagem 2000 dosimeter with SABG-15+ probe.

Dose calibrator (CURIEMENTOR 4) are used in nuclear medicine (SPECT and PET) to determine the exact activity of radioactive dose administered to the patients. The user has direct access to 30 different isotope calibrations. When measuring isotopes with rapid decay, the displayed measuring values are updated each half second, which provides continuous display.

Price Euro 9,900 Euro + VAT, FCA: Bucharest/ Romania

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We speak English. /Wir sprechen Deutsch./ Beszélünk magyarul. /Nous parlons français/Vorbim romana


Tel.: +40-359/175.575
Fax: +40-259/426.248
Mobil: +40-743/177.040 ; +40-740/221.698

Vizionarea produsului se programează cu 24 de ore înainte.

We speak English. Wir sprechen Deutsch. (+40-740/221.698 )
Hablamos Español. Beszélünk magyarul. (+40-743/177.040 )

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