Pipe cold cutting and bevelling machine, GBC SC5 Supercutter, 2006


Marca GBC
Model Supercutter SC5
ID 7086
Status Sold
Pret 9.800 € + TVA
An fabricatie 2006
Locatie Sofia, Bulgaria
Fisiere 11-Supercutter.pdf
Previous price: 14 500 Euro.  
Portable pipe-cutter, GBC Industry Italy SC5 Supercutter manufactured in 2006. Used for cutting and beveling pipes without heat. Has a diameter range between 762.00 mm and 914.00 mm and can cut through a max. thickness of 60 mm. Hydraulic motor has a power output of 15 hp.
The machine includes:
  • Main hinge frame in the range 30 "- 36;
  • Set of adjusting gripping jaws - 4;
  • Hydraulic motor;
  • Hydraulic station;
  • Chip collecting tube, kit with pressure oil tank and pump;
  • Combined blades for cutting and cornering with an angle
  • 30 and 37.30 degrees.



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